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„Summer - don't go“ von Christina Dittwald

Lese Summer - don't go - oder zeige den Autorensteckbrief von Christina Dittwald.

Gedichte von unseren Autoren in der Kategorie „Emotionen und Gefühle“

Pictur Author
Dear Christina, Summer leaves and says good-bye in golden colours and flowers shed petal tears when autumn wind touches them roughly. A wonderful poem for summer's farewell. Best regards, Inge

Antwort von Christina Dittwald (24.09.2013):
Thank you so much, dear Inge, for your nice words. I appreciate that you share my feelings for the end of summer! Best greetings Christina

I Bebe (irene.beddiesgmx.de)

Pictur Author
Dear Christina,

you write a very nice poem to which I agree: summer should wait some weeks longer to fill the heart with more abundance of colour and fruit, warmth and light.

Kindest regards from Irene

Antwort von Christina Dittwald (22.09.2013):
Dear Irene, thank you so much for your kind words. I love to hear from kindred spirits ! With best wishes Christina

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