Häufig gestellte Fragen zu e-Stories.de - (FAQ)

Please click here "to Publish your Works.
Once you've registered as an author you may send in your poems and stories using your eMail-Address and your personal password. You don't need to type your texts again. Use the copy and paste function of your browser!

Of course! We won’t publish or market your work without your written acknowledgement in any form whatsoever (book, CD etc.)
If we should delete your work, just send an email (Please note: we have no possibility to delete information in search engines)

Just visit our members area and do your changes online! You may also upload a photo if you want.

Please click here to request a new password.


Kontakt zum Team

Joerg Schwab
Taunusstr. 13
D-64569 Nauheim

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