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„Once more at the Lake“ von Irene Beddies

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Pictur Author
Dear Irene, happier was the time you visited the lake first, I suppose. But you described pictorously the present atmosphere along the shore, as I would stay directly there. Best regards and a nice weekend, Inge

Antwort von Irene Beddies (10.02.2013):
Dear Inge, today the lake would provide a woderful picture: rime on the trees and yellow reeds, a light blue-grey sky and a slight skin of ice on the water. Perhaps I'll go and see it. I hope you have similar weather. Best wishes for your Sunday, Irene

Pictur Author
This is uncanny: "Unmoved bend the reeds" ... ihg

Antwort von Irene Beddies (09.02.2013):
You are right. Irene

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