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„I want a dress“ von Durbarry Quraishiyah

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Gedichte von unseren Autoren in der Kategorie „Leben - Aus dem Leben“

Pictur Author
Dear Durbarry, this poem is a romantic and wonderful dream of a tender garment of flowers and colours written in beautiful expressions close to nature. Regards, Inge

Antwort von Durbarry Quraishiyah (16.08.2011):
Hi Night Sun, thnx loads 4 this nice comment im happy u like it :)

Klaus lutz (klangflockeweb.de)

Pictur Author
That´s the most beautiful poem about a blue dress someone will ever read! I really like this poem! And this kind of writing. Because i know someone is writring here which knows a lot about this live. Someone which has a lot of experience of this live. Someone which will write always nice poems and will never give up! Greetings fom (Germany) Berlin your Friend in thinking and writing about live Klaus!

Antwort von Durbarry Quraishiyah (14.08.2011):
thnnxx loads Klaus zats really nice of u thnx 4 the appreciation :)

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