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„Lost in a track“ von Stefanie Haertel

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Gedichte von unseren Autoren in der Kategorie „Liebe & Romantik - Liebesgedichte“


Pictur Author
Wow. What a poem. Shows your feelings and problems so well. Very good written.

Antwort von Stefanie Haertel (05.10.2005):
Hey Dejana, soooo happy ´n honoured to hear that. I thought it would be too long, but your e-mail gave me a good feedback. Thank you. So sorry that I answered that late, but I didn´t check my mailbox, thought nobody would write me :-(, but some did, so it´s okey :-). Anyway, yeah I went through a pretty tough time and I still struggle with myself and my life and with all what´s in it. Still believe in good. Hugs and Kisses, take care, Stef´

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