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„Ancient Games - A Found Poem“ von Olivia Chevron

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Gedichte von unseren Autoren in der Kategorie „Allgemein“


Pictur Author
Our Family connection is more exquisitely bizarre than that, esp in the light of events, and we both found it very moving. Yr Reader is unable to elaborate in this present public forum and invites his Writer to use her discretion if she would care to peruse further particulars.


Pictur Author
The Morpeth Rant is a very old traditional Irish tune. The cormorant is a large black sea bird sometimes referred to as an evil thing in celtic legend.


Pictur Author
Yr Reader is spooked by this person who has hijacked his account on this site.

Talking of which, yr Reader has recently discovered a bizarre and significant historical family connection between his borrowed sister and himself. His borrowed sister is also versteld.
anyway: Yr Reader is well are of cormorants, having stood by the sea, when he was not hunting bears, watching them fold themselves in mid-flight into the water to catch fish. His knowledge of the Morpeth rant was limited, although he knew this was a Cornish word.
Yr reader likes the speed at which this verse goes and wishes to know more; he thinks his Writer could not possibly have been reading Robert Louis Stevenson....

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