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„fragile bubbles“ von Inge Hoppe-Grabinger

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Gedichte von unseren Autoren in der Kategorie „Humor / Witziges“

Pictur Author
Dear Inge,

it seems to be senile stubbornness,
doch ich mich ihrer freisprech' :-))

Liebe Greetings in masterenglish from irgendwo

Antwort von Inge Hoppe-Grabinger (14.04.2015):
Don\'t trust the Nile, just stick to your style! (*-*) Inge hg

I Bebe (irene.beddiesgmx.de)

Pictur Author
But the keys lie hidden in the grass...
you only can sing as holy mass,
or per chance
a sort of dance
will show the direction of the path.
(*@+) Irene

Antwort von Inge Hoppe-Grabinger (14.04.2015):
but if you find the keys, can you tell me ... please.... (_._) Inge

readysteadypaddy (onkel.merlinweb.de)

Pictur Author
If I knew how to cook german mustard,
I just would'nt be such a bastard
but just when I turn
to the oven, I burn
myself, now my whole arm is plastered.

With the best dishes, yours sincerely Patrick

Antwort von Inge Hoppe-Grabinger (14.04.2015):
If the mustard is FRENCH; and me a silly wench, you shouldn't burn as long as I yearn, and simply forget the stench! (*.*) Inge hg

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