Antonio Justel Rodriguez


[… on the road from Vecilla towards Morales and Fresno]
… at this very moment, like living sun and rain,
the afternoon is a fire on the tactile gold of the poplars;
ah, ah autumn, it is a blessed season,
an agora,
a quantum and gentle shelf through seas of crystal,
a joy,
a huge heartbeat,
a sweet inlet of ardent love of the heart;
… I was going as if ecstatic and asking the blood,
- just when the road heads towards the tulle and the sky-blue roses of Teleno and Carpurias,
towards their mauve-blues and their immense purples –
when at last, and in my ear, he said:
I am the beauty of God, the purest light, the temple of the Most High,
and also, also, his voice, the flower of this silence. ***
Antonio Justel/Orion de Panthoseas

Alle Rechte an diesem Beitrag liegen beim Autoren. Der Beitrag wurde auf vom Autor eingeschickt Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Veröffentlicht auf am 21.11.2024.


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