Rolph David

Wealth In The Everyday!

To have food stocked, and clothes to keep you warm,
A roof above to shield from cold and rain,
A place to rest and weather any storm,
Is wealth beyond what many can obtain.

With money in your purse, the world is wide,
You join the ranks of those who freely roam,
The richest few with every need supplied,
Their lives secure and anchored in their home.

If health sustains you more than illness can,
And life today is not a fleeting breath,
Consider fortune smiling on your span,
Escaping yet the grasp of early death.

To live content, with gratitude each day,
Is richer wealth than gold could e'er convey.

Alle Rechte an diesem Beitrag liegen beim Autoren. Der Beitrag wurde auf vom Autor eingeschickt Rolph David.
Veröffentlicht auf am 01.06.2024.


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