Rolph David

What Goes Around, Comes Around!

Guilty on all charges, yet defiant still,
He scorns the verdict, bending justice’s will.
Instead of modesty, he chooses strife,
Attacks the jury, judge, and even life.

A ‘very, very innocent’ man, he always claims,
Despite conviction, innocence he proclaims.
A witch hunt crafted by his foe's decree,
He cries, yet millions hear his "guiltless" plea.

Can a remedy be found, with truth so blurred,
When countless followers echo his every word?
They fall for his lies, his conspiracies so grand,
A psychopath, yet still they extend their hand.

What goes around, comes around, some say,
In hope that karma takes this man away.
To halt his climb to power’s highest throne,
democracy must grant that justice will be shown.

Justice's blind, but wise, weighs right and wrong,
A balanced scale, where truths and lies belong.
Twelve good Americans, a judgment sound,
The truth at last in their decision found.

The presiding judge will speak the final word,
In hopes that truth's clarity will be heard.
Let the verdict stand, let justice prevail,
Against this lunatic, may the sentence not fail.

Alle Rechte an diesem Beitrag liegen beim Autoren. Der Beitrag wurde auf vom Autor eingeschickt Rolph David.
Veröffentlicht auf am 31.05.2024.


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