Antonio Justel Rodriguez

Autumn in the forest

... after the sublime flight of their blood,
The forest sounds injured;
Will it be the rumor of the life that flees
or the breath with which it springs in the leaves
The light that remains ...?
Is this the year too ...? Was there so much ...?
... You see, I am amazed and scares beauty because I don't know her,
How, if not, this strange way of throwing the work of time
And this glow that opens under heaven?
... but, despite the veil of astonishment,
Doesn't the air smell of tenderness perhaps, faith, renewal and not being alone?
... And there will not be an extraordinary God or joy, because I live,
And for the deep atriums of my soul, the forest sings and is singing?
Antonio Justel Rodríguez

Alle Rechte an diesem Beitrag liegen beim Autoren. Der Beitrag wurde auf vom Autor eingeschickt Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Veröffentlicht auf am 15.09.2023.


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