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„Turn You On“ von Dorsey Baker

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Gedichte von unseren Autoren in der Kategorie „Lyrik“

Klaus lutz (klangflockeweb.de)

Pictur Author
It would be able to publish this poems.
You should try this. But it´s not really important. It qwould be commercial and normal. This here is really poetic. Pure live. Exciting and special! Greetngs Klaus

Antwort von Dorsey Baker (06.07.2011):
Thanks, Klaus, wish I had more fans like you, thanks, Dorsey

Klaus lutz (klangflockeweb.de)

Pictur Author
It would be able to publish this poems.
You should try this. But it´s not really important. It qwould be commercial and normal. This here is really poetic. Pure live. Exciting and special! Greetngs Klaus

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