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„A Love...long time ago“ von Irene Beddies

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Gedichte von unseren Autoren in der Kategorie „Emotionen und Gefühle“

readysteadypaddy (onkel.merlinweb.de)

Pictur Author
Dear Irene: the title song of a german soap opera says: "Forbidden love goes straight to your heart!" That's just the way it is, gell? yours, Patrick

Antwort von Irene Beddies (05.07.2014):
Dear Patrick, yes, my dear, that is true. A secret love, that is in your imagination only, lasts longer in your memory than you can expect and is without regret. yours, Irene

Paule (paul-uhlweb.de)

Pictur Author
Ich erinnere mich auch gerne zuzrück, Irene...
Herzlich der Paul

Antwort von Irene Beddies (05.07.2014):
Lieber Paul, eine Liebe, von der der/die Angebete nichts weiß, ist in der Erinnerung süß, weil sie ohne "Sünde" ist.:-) Liebe Wochenendgrüße von Irene

Pictur Author
Dear Irene,
this remembrance is like a hidden diamond. Find it and the glimmering will charm you as much as you like.
Have a nice weekend. Bernhard

Antwort von Irene Beddies (05.07.2014):
Dear Bernhard, there are not many diamonds of this kind in one's life. Therefore they glitter more and more as time passes. Have a nice weekend too Irene

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